宋本太郎 IN & OUT 进出 Part 2 Combo Book No. 81 + Video No. 83 Part 2A + Video No. 83 Part 2B ‖ R+【PHOTO+VIDEO】


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Part 2

Xiao Guai has been single for many years, never really dated nor been in a serious relationship. He always held firm that he will find his ideal partner but those guys whom he thought were possible candidates often already had boyfriends or not really interested in him.
Weekends he would walk aimlessly in shopping district, go to sauna alone to look for hook ups. Go arcade games to while his time away.
Like Ah Du, he too knows a middle age guy call Henry and would often go to his house to have sexual fun but the guy never had the intention to date him. They are more like very close fuck buddy. He also knows the guy is not exclusive and prefers to have multiple sex partners.
Things was not easy at home either, he is 27 years old, at the age group of marriageable age. Friends his age were either married or already in a serious relationship. To make matter worst, his parents didn’t know about Xiao Guai sexuality, so often press him to get hitched. Feeling flustered, Xiao Guai dropped by to look for Henry and they had a wild session.

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