HOTERU 5 – MONEY BOY 旅店 5 – 银男 Book No. 59 + Video No. 64 Part 1 & Part 2


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Hoteru 5
Money Boy

Peter dated a mature guy from a gay chat site and waited for him at the hotel lobby. When the guy walked pass, Peter identified himself and followed him to his hotel room.
Peter has been working as a money boy for side income and often lied that he is 18 years old. When the guy got suspicious when he looked really young in person, he asked Peter’s age. Then Peter honestly replied that he is only 15 years old. Expecting the guy to chase him home, instead the guy pretended he didn’t know and had sex with him.
As it was Peter’s first few attempts at anal gay sex, he endured the pain and enjoyed the moment with the guy.
At the end of the session, the man paid Peter $150 for his effort. An amount that Peter was very happy for an hour’s effort.

旅店 5

彼得一直在外提供性服務來賺取額外的收入,並且經常謊稱自己已經 18 歲了。當熟男看到彼得樣子比他慌稱的年紀還要小時,他開始懷疑便問彼得的年齡。彼得當下只好誠實地回答說他只有15歲。原本以為熟男會趕他回家,相反的,那位熟男假裝不知道並與他發生性關係。
事情結束時,熟男支付彼得 150 美元。彼得對這一個小時的酬勞感到非常滿意。

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