PRIVATE CHEF 私房菜 Book No. 90 + Video No. 93 Part 1 & Part 2 ‖ R+【PHOTO+VIDEO】


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Young, rich, and handsome Royston literally had everything in life except that he has a lot of allergies. He is allergic to most food like diary; crustaceans and nuts, he is even allergic human perspiration of people whose perspiration contains animal protein. As a result, he must stick to a strict vegan diet and abstain from body contact with other people.
One day, while in a vegan restaurant, Royston saw a handsome guy Alex sitting in the restaurant. He immediately took a liking to him, and candidly introduced himself to him and after a short chat, found out that Alex worked as a Chef. Elated by the information, Royston asked to hire him as a private chef with an attractive offer that Alex immediately agreed.
On the first day of work, Royston came home from work and saw Alex working butt naked wearing only and apron. Alex knew of Royston’s intention on the first day of being hired and so intentionally worked butt naked to seduce Royston.
That day, no vegetarian food was prepared but instead Alex became dinner for Royston. Surprisingly Royston did not develop any allergies towards Alex cause Alex was a strict vegetarian.


年輕、富有、英俊的羅伊斯頓實際上擁有生活中的一切,除了他有很多過敏症。 他對大多數食物過敏;如乳糖; 甲殼類和堅果,他甚至對含有動物蛋白的人體汗液過敏。 因此,他必須堅持嚴格的純素飲食,並避免與其他人有身體接觸。
有一天,在一家素食餐廳裡,羅伊斯頓看到餐廳裡坐著一位帥哥亞歷克斯。 他立刻就喜歡上了他,並坦誠地向他做了自我介紹,經過短暫的交談,得知亞歷克斯是一名廚師。 羅伊斯頓對這個消息感到非常高興,要求聘請亞歷克斯作為他的私人廚師,並提供了很高的報價,使亞歷克斯無法拒絕所以立即同意了。
第一天上班,羅伊斯頓下班回家,看到亞歷克斯光著屁股只穿著圍裙在工作。 亞歷克斯在被錄用的第一天就知道羅伊斯頓的意圖,因此故意赤身裸體來勾引羅伊斯頓。
那天,沒有準備素食,而是岩壁成了羅伊斯頓的晚餐。 令人驚訝的是,羅伊斯頓並沒有對亞歷克斯產生任何過敏,因為亞歷克斯是嚴格的素食主義者。

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