NAI Photobook Magazine issue08 – Yong Tai ‖ 19+【PHOTO+VIDEO】


…stepping into the 8th edition, believing that the past 8 ‘Nai’ books should be a testament to the fullness, determination and effort. From selecting models to filming If anyone who is a regular fan of ‘Nai’ would have seen the continuous development. …Let’s come to the 8th edition. It is believed that anyone who is a regular fan of ‘Nai’ would be familiar with ‘Yong Tai’, this young man with the same eyelids. Because of the trend from ‘Nai’ No. 6 that many people ask about a lot Until the team has to make an appointment for ‘Yong Tai’ to perform in one full performance again Of course, this time, the only show of ‘Yong Tai’ that was fully organized. and more energetic than before Along with a more firm body for the fans of ‘Nai’ …Hopefully this photo album, the only work of ‘Yong Tai’, will be touched. ……Finally and finally, please from the bottom of my heart, please load the work that is right according to the copyright. And do not bring our work to be published outside is strictly prohibited In case that the team will produce good quality work. Let the readers go on and on.

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