宋本太郎 Taro IN & OUT 进出 Part 3 Combo 组合包 Book No. 82 + Video No. 84 Part 3A & 3B ‖ R+【PHOTO+VIDEO】


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IN & OUT Part 3

Xiao Guai was on his way out from Henry’s house after a session, coincidentally, Ah Du was on his way to look for Henry. They passed by each other at the stairway, one in and the other out but like total stranger, they simply exchange polite glances and walk away.
Henry received Ah Du just soon after sending Xiao Guai off. While chatting away at the living room, the door bell rang and Xiao Guai had returned. He said he had left his wallet behind and came back for it.
While Henry went to get the wallet in the room, he introduced Ah Du and Xiao Guai. Let them keep each other company. When their names were mentioned, familiarity hit them and soon they realised they had met in the Absolute Sauna a week ago.
Henry saw both of them hitting off well, suggested they make out for him to watch. Both of them oblige and soon heavy moaning could be heard ringing loudly.
At the end of the session, Ah Du and Xiao Guai left Henry’s house together as a couple.

進出 Part 3






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