WHOSEMAN NO.141 極致羞澀 勃硬大男生- 堯 ‖ 19+【PHOTO+VIDEO】


極致羞澀 / 勃硬大男生- 堯

Modeel: 堯
愛笑 有一種親切鄰家男孩的感覺
從小一直是田徑隊成員 一直都有跑步的習慣
也因為跑步的習慣 身材一直瘦瘦的
不過別小看堯瘦瘦的身材 他的腹肌可是很有料喔!

Video 附上訪談影片
喜歡尷尬男孩的你 一定不能錯過!

更多相關資訊: https://linktr.ee/bluemen_01

Modeel: Yao
Loves to laugh, has the feeling of a friendly boy next door
I have been a member of the track and field team since I was a child and have always had the habit of running
Also because of the habit of running, I have always been thin
But don’t underestimate Yao’s thin body. His abs are amazing!

Video Attach the interview video
A Yao, who was stripped naked, looked so cute with an embarrassed smile
If you like awkward boys, you must not miss it!

