WHOSEMAN NO.137 一起來洗澡吧! 18歲酷熱少年鉉 ‖ 19+【PHOTO+VIDEO】


一起來洗澡吧! 18歲酷熱少年/ 鉉

體育班 高中生 冰店超人氣工讀生
喜歡郊遊 登山 看電影 打赤膊 洗澡(算嗎?)

酷熱的夏天 每天起床一定要洗澡
快速的沖冷水澡 立刻就可以提起精神上學
睡覺前當然也要洗一次 然後光溜溜睡覺! Zzz

鉉的第二次拍攝 用最愛的洗澡當主題呈現給大家
全裸躺在浴缸中 鉉的臉頰透出青澀的敏感泛紅
看似害羞 往下看果然發現有小怪獸硬挺不安的跳動著


更多相關資訊: https://linktr.ee/bluemen_01

Sports class, high school student, ice shop super popular working student
Like outings, mountain climbing, watching movies, shirtless, bathing (does it count?)

In the hot summer, you must take a shower every day when you wake up
Take a quick cold shower and get your spirits up for school in no time
Take a shower after school sports
Of course you have to wash it once before going to bed and then go to bed naked! Zzz

Work hard to build more perfect muscles
Hyun’s 2nd shoot, using his favorite bath as the theme to present to everyone
Lying naked in the bathtub, Hyun’s cheeks were flushed with sensual redness
Seemingly shy, when I looked down, I found a little monster beating uneasily

The perfect age of 18
The most perfect photo record of sports high school students
Dedicated to you who know how to reward yourself best.

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