12雜誌 NO.16 平行時空的角色切換 鄭凱天 ‖ R+【PHOTO】


VOL.016 Character Switching In Parallel Spaces

Release date: Jan, 2020

Rating and pages: R, 220p

Language: Chinese and English

Recommended index: ★★★★★

Category: Downloadable E-magazine

Introduction: I have known Tian for more than three years, but the first time I met him in real life was during the photo shoot of this magazine. Before this, he always said that he was not in good shape, so he did not dare to shoot with me. After the collaboration, he regretted not seeing me for so long. This issue contains a set of renewals of Blooming Boys and a set of extra-long photocopies, which is by far the most photogenic issue of any issue!

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