HOTERU 7 – BROMANCE 旅店 7 – 兄弟情谊 Book No. 91 + Video No. 94 Part 1 & Part 2 ‖ R+【PHOTO+VIDEO】


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Men only want to develop a relationship with women because of sex. In fact, men and women are so different in terms of mentality, it is hard to enjoy each other’s company. Men is all logic while women are more into relationship bonding.
Sometimes when two guys get along too closely, occasionally they may develop a sexual relationship for convenience and sexual needs sake.
Two buddies Kevin and Haikal had such as close relationship that they can shower, eat, and play together.
One day Kevin and Haikal went for a swim and when they got back to the house, Haikal slipped and sprained his shoulders. Kevin offered to give Haikal a massage and thinking nothing about it, Haikal agreed. The massage progressed to a very sexual stage and the brothers end up having sex.

旅店 7 – 兄弟情谊

男人只想因為性而與女人發展關係。 事實上,男人和女人在心態上是如此不同,很難享受彼此的陪伴。 男性注重邏輯,而女性則更注重人際關係。
有一天,凱文和海卡爾去游泳,當他們回到家時,海卡爾滑了一跤,扭傷了肩膀。 凱文提出要給海卡爾按摩,海卡爾沒有多想就答應了。 按摩進展到了非常性感的階段,兄弟倆最終發生了性關係。

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