ADONISJING UNIQUE 4-Vol.1 巨型肌肉巨獸來襲 ‖ R+【PHOTO】


MuscleMania職業卡獲得者Anthony ,美國歸來的職業健美運動員震撼奉獻第一部全見寫真集《UNIQUE 4》
和以往的模特不同,Anthony 接受了美國加州最頂尖的健美訓練技術,龐大偉岸的身軀猶如海中巨獸,强勁的壯碩肌肉在攝影師的鏡頭視角下,絕對會讓所有肌肉崇拜者們垂涎欲滴,充分飽覽職業健美選手完美的身軀和罕見的曖昧眼神。
MuscleMania Pro card winner, a returning professional bodybuilder from the United States, presents UNIQUE 4, the first full photo album.
Unlike previous models, Hu Yicheng accepted California’s top fitness training techniques, big up to the invasion of the body is like a monster in the sea, a strong big muscles in the perspective of the photographer’s lens, will definitely let all muscle fans salivating, fully enjoy the bodybuilder perfect body and rare vague eyes.

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