BLUEMEN 藍男色 NO.249 曖昧中的互動練習 艾爾&Chris ‖ R+【PHOTO+VIDEO】

想要往前一步 卻總是差那一步


這一天 我們決定提起勇氣一起拍攝雙人寫真


溫柔的撫摸 浪漫的舌吻

吻過我的全身 含下我的分身

~ 啊 ~


好色 好羞恥 好喜歡

Do you want to take a step forward but are scared?

Does he expect the same as me?

We muster up the courage to shoot a double photo album

Under the guidance of the photographer, Ale became proactive

Gentle touch, romantic tongue kiss

Kissed my whole body and contained my clone

~ Ah ~

This is very different from his usual frolics

Lust, shame, love.

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